
This blog was originally called vanilla culture, I changed the name once I’d made my mind up about who I am and what I do. Trinity retreat yoga , I am now a qualified yoga teacher and I am working towards setting up my own retreats. I’ve read numerous self help and spiritual books , my aim is to implement programs that have worked for me. Writing was one of my first and most profound therapeutics. It was easy for me to begin with to release my layers, to get rid of hurts and suffering within me. It was cost free and it was through writing that I began to shed myself and understand why j made some choices. Writing then led me on to all things that could nourish my whole being. Yoga, asking for guidance from another source, affirmations, time of contemplation, mindfulness, raw vegan and so many more things. This has been a journey that really never stops. Once you start seeking you never stop, you just keep filling up from the inside out and it is truly beautiful.



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