
Can we look at nature, a tree will turn vibrant colours in autumn, she’ll lose her leaves in winter and have a mystical glow during frost and snow. Then spring arrives and she buds and blossoms and looking bright and beautiful. The wind then shakes off her blossom and she is bushy filled with lush green leaves.

The winds may at times appear to be a gentle breeze that we welcome on a warm summers day. Maybe she is settled and we don’t notice her at all, she has the ability to be turbulent in her force of power, forever changing but always present. The sea, sometimes still peaceful and calm, soft little ripples that effect, music for our ears. She then collects speed through her waves and crashes to the shore.

Nature allows this flow, they are in harmony knowing they are it all. They realise they are never one emotion but a multitude of the complete whole, they accept and allow never forcing, just being present and fully expressing themselves in each moment. You are nature, you are one part of this continuous evolving flow, all is well, all is okay.

Maybe the journey isn’t about meditating to stop the rocks of emotion, maybe it’s about realising that we are nature. Can we accept that this is also part of us. Anger and sadness may arise only this time we no longer believe its our job to run from this but rather to allow this natural flow of expression. You are part of nature, be at one with all that is, it is safe for you to be yourself fully. The tree allows her leaves to fall without clinging onto them, the vast ocean allows rippling waves to create shapes, the stormy winds gale through and within. 

While the trees may appear to stand alone, underneath the soil they hold hands, their roots joined. when one tree is deprived of water all of the other trees send water to this tree. They are not in fear of their own life, they work in complete harmony , together encouraging each other tree , lessening their own intake for the sake of their companion, who is a part of themselves. Never in competition with their fellow, but working together and doing all they can to give life all around. They are not deprived as they see they are one and the same, they share their love and life. Can you share your love and life. We need the trees to breathe , but they also need us. Spend time with the trees as they need us too. Be outside and share your breathe with the trees. Make a conscious effort to be present and think loving thoughts when you are in their presence, say beautiful words to them. Reach out your hand to the leaves upon that tree, and watch how the tree creates little winds to pull herself back so she can gently forward her way to touch your energy. To have her leaves gently rest on your third eye, for the willow tree to wrap herself around you when you really need a cuddle. They are alive, and they can move , they feel you, they love you and your energy is important to them. Let nature wrap you in her arms and comfort you, watch how excited the trees become when they know it is you walking down their path. The whole planet is alive and vibrant and healthy and you are part of this magnificent whole.

Can we look at nature, a tree will turn vibrant colours in autumn, she’ll lose her leaves in winter and have a mystical glow during frost and snow. Then spring arrives and she buds and blossoms and looking bright and beautiful. The wind then shakes off her blossom and she is bushy filled with lush green leaves.

The winds may at times appear to be a gentle breeze that we welcome on a warm summers day. Maybe she is settled and we don’t notice her at all, she has the ability to be turbulent in her force of power, forever changing but always present. The sea, sometimes still peaceful and calm, soft little ripples that effect, music for our ears. She then collects speed through her waves and crashes to the shore.

Nature allows this flow, they are in harmony knowing they are it all. They realise they are never one emotion but a multitude of the complete whole, they accept and allow never forcing, just being present and fully expressing themselves in each moment. You are nature, you are one part of this continuous evolving flow, all is well, all is okay.

Maybe the journey isn’t about meditating to stop the rocks of emotion, maybe it’s about realising that we are nature. Can we accept that this is also part of us. Anger and sadness may arise only this time we no longer believe its our job to run from this but rather to allow this natural flow of expression. You are part of nature, be at one with all that is, it is safe for you to be yourself fully. The tree allows her leaves to fall without clinging onto them, the vast ocean allows rippling waves to create shapes, the stormy winds gale through and within. 

While the trees may appear to stand alone, underneath the soil they hold hands, their roots joined. when one tree is deprived of water all of the other trees send water to this tree. They are not in fear of their own life, they work in complete harmony , together encouraging each other tree , lessening their own intake for the sake of their companion, who is a part of themselves. Never in competition with their fellow, but working together and doing all they can to give life all around. They are not deprived as they see they are one and the same, they share their love and life. Can you share your love and life. We need the trees to breathe , but they also need us. Spend time with the trees as they need us too. Be outside and share your breathe with the trees. Make a conscious effort to be present and think loving thoughts when you are in their presence, say beautiful words to them. Reach out your hand to the leaves upon that tree, and watch how the tree creates little winds to pull herself back so she can gently forward her way to touch your energy. To have her leaves gently rest on your third eye, for the willow tree to wrap herself around you when you really need a cuddle. They are alive, and they can move , they feel you, they love you and your energy is important to them. Let nature wrap you in her arms and comfort you, watch how excited the trees become when they know it is you walking down their path. The whole planet is alive and vibrant and healthy and you are part of this magnificent whole.

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